Turning Back and Avoiding Voice
A couple or 3 weeks ago, Ken Walker wrote an article that was a great Biblical articulation of something which I had noticed and written about in "Allowing Voice". I was bemoaning the tendency of...
View ArticleSeeking Goes Digital...Church Stay Analogue
Great Stuff from Jordon Cooper:...This hits at what I think is the root of why the church fears the web. Many churches generally won't allow individuals the freedom to create compelling content and...
View Articlejordoncooper.com : How the Church ignores the online audience
Excellent point. I have also found myself shaking my head when I see the Church passing up the oppotunities to participate in REAL conversations. (I say REAL, because much of what we do now, IN THE...
View Articlejordoncooper.com :: how out-of-touch the Church is becoming
Whoa man! Some real "stickin' it to 'em/us" from Jordon Cooper in these three posts (this one and the two before/below it):I wonder if the reason that churches are afraid to engaged in the online...
View ArticleAnother Cluetrain-like Rant
A fairly substantial and important rant , if I can say so myself. I did it over on my MT blog , entitled Cluetrain and Theoblogical
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